Friday, 1 October 2021

Transitioning into Autumn

Did you know that moths apparently symbolise transformation and inner wisdom, and have a connection to the moon, feminine energy and using your intuition…?

Well, these are all things I've learnt from an internet search on these small creatures this morning.

There are so many of them fluttering around our house at bedtime lately, with darker nights and the windows still cracked open they’re finding their way in and I’m finding myself chasing them around with a cup and book trying to scoop them up and deposit them safely outside while the girls jump around on their beds screaming at them to be gone.

I wonder if they’re here to remind me to transition myself into this new season too? 

If you’ve been around here for a while and read other posts you’ll know that I have a spiritual side to me that resonates with symbolism like this. 

Autumn really is upon us now, as the month changes so has the weather, the temperature and the leaves around us, all turning into something different, something new to get used to. 

It can be so easy to feel miserable about it too, I don’t know about you but I really flow better in the warmer months, so when the season does change I can feel a little bit of those winter blues coming in even before the winter is really here. 

So maybe, just like my little fluttering bedtime visitors are telling me too, I should allow myself to transition into the next season. and they have definitely come my way in the last few weeks. 

My inner wisdom also tells me that autumn doesn’t have to all be about the cold, the dark and the dismal. It can be about recognising the beauty around me as the colours in nature and my life change. It can be about making plans, ones that can be filled with joyful memories or help to protect and heal me. It can be about doing that one final thing before this year ends and a new one starts again. It can be about trusting in myself, believing that I can roll with whatever is thrown at me
(and ask for support and guidance when I feel unsure!), and that who I am now will be a different version of myself that has lived and loved more and created and undone things and evolved in many ways by the end of this season, and isn’t that a wonderful thing to look forward to and witness!

Maybe those moths might seem like a nuisance at bedtime but they are the universe way of telling me to  move forward confidently into the next season of the year, and of my life too.


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