Wednesday, 6 July 2022

Share your wisdom, make a positive change!

So here I am then back in April 2018, I was speaking as part of workshop that was being run for the Mindful Mantra Day Retreat that I was honoured to host alongside my dear friend Jemma Andrews-Adiamah (I also didn’t know it then but I was in the very early stages of pregnancy with my little boy too!). It was an incredible day and we had some fantastic women come along to participate and learn more about self care and wellbeing.

For me though these moments in my life are more that just a chance to show off my knowledge and experiences or talk too much (which is what I do when I’m nervous...) and network with others. They are a chance to ignite something powerful in another because it’s moments just like this that I feel truly in my authenticity, I let that shine through and that can be absorbed by everyone around me . Sharing what I know has the potential to positively impact someone else and create a ripple effect beyond - isn’t that incredible, to be able to make such a difference in someones life?

This kind of situation isn’t just exclusive to me though, we all have the potential to have an amazing impact on someones life. Whether we are imparting wisdom, being a positive role model and taking on a mentoring role in another's life, sharing what’s been good for you is one of the best gifts you can give, and it’s free too!

Think back to a time when you felt lost, unsure or confused, did you have someone else there to guide you? And wouldn’t it have been great if you didn’t? Or maybe you’ve gotten stuck in a rut with an idea, needed some fashion inspiration and had a wobble in self belief? Being able to look to someone else who you admire or embodies those things can make all the difference in moving yourself forward.

So now you can see how this really works, when you share your wisdom with others it creates a chain reaction, they go on to do better, others around them learn and do better and then they go on to influence and impact the people around them too and so on!

Know that you don’t have to stand up in a room in front of people and talk either, maybe your social media posts are inspiring other, perhaps you can teach a class in your community, and if there are children in your life maybe you can embody leadership for them. It doesn’t really matter what you do, it’s grasping the opportunities when you see them because one thing I know for sure is that when we have a tribe of people around us leading the way, inspiring us to connect deep within ourselves, we find those self belief levels shoot up quickly. 

So what can you do then to cultivate this then? 

Well, I definitely believe that being real with other helps, I always share the bad days as much as the good days because we live in a world that’s far from perfect so of course bad happens and again coming from a place of authenticity naturally encourages that in other people. Get curious about where and how you can help others too, where are there gaps in your community, friendship group or work place that you could be a mentor? I have often shared a lot about my infertility journey in the past because I know my story has supported and will continue to support other women reading it and going through a similar thing. 

That’s also the final thought I want to leave with you, that there may be times where the wisdom and experience you share might not be obviously impacting others but know that you never know who might hear it then or in the future, and that what you share may be the catalyst to someone else being able to make a positive change to their life and future. 


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